Auguste Rodin Morreu Em Que Ano

The Death of Auguste Rodin

Auguste Rodin was one of the most influential and celebrated sculptors of the 19th century. His works, such as The Thinker, The Kiss, and The Gates of Hell, have become iconic works of art that are still admired and appreciated today. But in 1917, Rodin's life and career came to an abrupt end when he passed away at the age of 77. This article explores the life and death of this great artist.

Early Life and Career

Auguste Rodin was born in Paris, France in 1840. He was the second son of Marie Cheffer and Jean-Baptiste Rodin, a police department clerk. As a child, Rodin was interested in drawing and sculpting, and he was encouraged by his mother to pursue his artistic talents. He went on to attend the Petite Ecole, an art school in Paris, and later studied under the renowned sculptor Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse.

Rodin's career started to take off in the late 1870s. He began to receive recognition for his sculptures, and his works were met with praise and admiration. He was commissioned to create a number of public works, such as The Gates of Hell, The Burghers of Calais, and The Thinker. These sculptures are now seen as some of the most important and influential works of art of the 19th century.

Death and Legacy

In 1917, Auguste Rodin passed away at the age of 77. His cause of death was a combination of old age and a stroke he had suffered a few years prior. Rodin was laid to rest in Meudon, France, where he had lived for many years.

Rodin's death marked the end of a remarkable career that spanned more than 50 years. His sculptures are still admired and appreciated today, and they serve as a testament to his genius and creativity. He is credited with revolutionizing the art of sculpture and inspiring generations of artists.


Auguste Rodin was one of the most influential and celebrated sculptors of the 19th century. He revolutionized the art of sculpture and inspired generations of artists with his iconic works. He passed away in 1917 at the age of 77, but his legacy lives on through his works and the many artists he inspired.

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